In-Person Photography Instruction
If you have an interest, or maybe passion, in photography and want to learn how to use a camera more creatively, then you’re in the right place. Resources to learn photography abound. More than a derivative of basic information found online or in classes offered “on the side,” the Beginner Photography Series goes deeper and provides a practical and usable cornerstone for anyone interested in photography.
Beginner Photography ONE establishes the proper technical footing for your photography and teaches you how to use a camera to capture great pictures. Leave Auto mode behind with a class that has helped thousands of students learn to take control of their cameras. Read student reviews.
Beginner Photography TWO is about picture design and composition, teaching you how to see more photographically and get the picture in your mind’s eye to show up on the LCD. There’s much more to making great images than adjusting camera settings and pressing the shutter button.